Tuesday 14 December 2010

Digital Film Production and VFX Week 13 Music Video:Continous Editting

When creating the initial idea for this music video we hadn't put too much detail into specific parts of the film we wanted and so during editing we had joint ideas and one which was to have a close up of the wax monsters as when they get close during the melting process create some weird visuals, the effects which would go well with our video.

This wax monster particularly had a egg type face which set it out from the other wax monster allowing us to have a close up of its face creating a weird close up along with the music.

Initial idea for this was to test if having more than one Gorilla Suited Actor in the shot at once and as you can see from this image we can use this as an advantage allowing a mirrored effect making the video more peculiar and random than it already is.

On of the main aspects of the wax monsters was that the monster took minutes to melt and so we had to manipulate the speed of the footage to how fast or slow we wanted it and even reversed to have many of the monsters seem like they are forming up.
A effect that is so simple can come across as what certain pieces of footage may need and that was the case for this bit of footage as it the footage seemed inappropriate and maybe disgusting we thought we would have it short and upside down to make it weird and unexpected, overall watching it with the other effects the video works together.
 Here is an image of a text for having the Gorilla Suited Actor be surfing on one of the wax monsters and as we stopped the footage it seemed like the little gorilla is on the big gorillas back which made it funny to see and perhaps be used later on.
Adding more than one piece of footage that is the same makes a great addition to the look and overall presentation of the music video we are trying to achieve, comedic and this is shown with the same footage zooming into the bigger version of the footage as it zooms out.

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