Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contextual and Theoretical Studies Level 5 Week 9:Writing and Being

All writing is a form of story-telling, story telling about ourselves and our positives and negatives, most of the time it is through verbal communication with friends or families but overall in our mind we always talk to our self for assurance or confirmation and even ideas. From our inner voice we known as our own narrative and create our own stories for understanding of ourselves to act in certain ways, which over time becomes a character of its own and when we know e aren't that character we are able to change our opinions to return back to the character that has been created.

Michael Gazzaniga's view is that of an interpreter within us which creates a unique feeling to make onesself unique and this is through the interpreter having separate knowledge on our lives and our inner voice from our previous character become a history to seep into our current understanding and damage to the area of the interpreter can result in narratives created by people who have an unfixed perception of reality.

Ouriner voice is an important assewt to our being as it is an understanding and interpretation of our outer actions and reactions and known as 'narrative self'' allows us to think out reactions or language preceeding the actual verbal usage, for example if you are learning a new language and you begin to pronounce the word with your inner voice to get the word correct.

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