Friday 8 April 2011

Negotiated Study Week3:Castle Concept Art 1

Here are some of the concept art pieces i had done first off i had followed my guidelines of what i want this project to be focused on and started to create a game environment conceptually as you can see from the first two art pieces but i felt it lackedin giving me a much larger amount of concept art privileges so i finished the two art images of how i wanted the castle to be.

With doing the first two images i was able to get a rough idea of how i want the castle to look and get the positioning of certain listed areas of the environment, but with those first two images you can see it lacked a bit of singularity that separates it from the various other designs of castles. So i took the design and manipulated it further adding a variation of passageways and open areas to give it that separation factor from the previous design. Adding multiple areas of space and only allowing the gamer into the shown spaces because of the cliff setting which gives the gamer the information about through visuals of the boundaries within the game.

As i continued to develop the concept art i wanted to make sure i got the poing across that the castle is the focus point and going from the start where the cliff to the entrance of the castle is all the way to the end of the courtyard the one to either one is to go through the castle. Going from the setting of the castle to the mood i wanted it to feel unsafe as if something could happen to represent that moment within the game as my synopsis states that you are knight coming back from a battle to find the castle you lived in empty left with no sign of life but mere scraps of life and that would be the start off point for the game to which you find out what had happened.

The colour scheme of the concept art shows much more of a lighter side than that mentioned from the synopsis but this concept art is to mainly represent how i want the castle to be built and how certain areas are joint up for a reason. But going back to the colour scheme there is a much brighter representation because i will use a light source within this project more than previous projects and when it does come to the texturing of the castle much of its colour scheme will be a much darker, mood setting texture to emphasise the specific part of the storyline.

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