From the previous way i had done the UV textureing where i had separated parts of the model to then unfold that model but with redoing my model i wanted to try a different way of UV tmapping.
I had tried to do a planar mapping of the whole model to which i would then separate the UV of certain areas to be eventually unfolded but foun that this process didn't suit me as i felt it would take much longer would be difficult for me to take apart certaina areas as i could see a full perspective of the UV map to work with, from my model.
And so i had selected the certain areas of my model and highlighted them through their faces and then UV mapped them and worked from then on by unfolding the UV map.
This process of UV mapping suited me much better as i was able to select the faces of the area i want to UV map in 3D space of the model and once that has been done i would use spherical or circular mapping fro most of my UV mapping.
I had a problem when it came to UV mapping the hand and feets of the model i couldn't see how any of the UV mapping options which suite best to view the UV map of that area and so i used the automatic UV mapping the reason for this is because i found that i could make my own UV mapping of hands and feet and would b able to tell what i am painting onto.