Friday 27 May 2011

Negotiated Study Week10:Extras

I have completed the setting of the game environment and re-texturing and decided to being to fill in more of a certain area of the castle. Deciding to fill in the ground floor area i started to model bits and pieces of background objects such as cloth for the walls, pots, shields, cups and candle holders. I started to focus on the ground floor and tried to introduce more objects to give a presence of living, modelling a large medieval pot to take up much of the spacing within the castle and modelling the pot had been simple because i used a tool which had been introduced to me from the very first year of the course, the CV curve tool which allows the user to create a outline of half the image to which will then be rotated and formed to a 3D mesh.

The next model that i had created was the chalice, very basic and using the same technique as the medieval pot process and using a basic texture, with a sample of shine and also i wanted to add a sign of living so added a model of spilt wine. After modelling the medieval pot and chalice i started to model a long draping cloth which i felt the castle needed to allow the cloth to cover the disappointing texture of the castle walls. I used a light crimson colour and applied a cloth texture to seem like the cloth is wrapped in places and placed the vertexes of the cloth so it would seem more like a cloth.

The final model that i could develop within the time that i had available was the candle holder which i developed as a basic model, thin  which wouldn't take up much room and look like its placed upon the wall. After completing various models to add in the ground floor i started to bring them within Unity and place them around such as the cloth on the walls, shield and cup on the floor to seem like a sign of trouble and the medieval pot in places which the character shouldn't be able to access.

I placed the candle holders on areas of the wall which seem like suitable areas that would cover the area with light because i used the Unity standard assets of fire and placed the fire along with the candle holder which gave a more accepting idea that light is coming from the candles as well as the sun light. Also i added the drawbridge animation which worked fine until i went back into game mode and triggered the animation which started to be jittery and the drawbridge went backwards and forwards so i was shown that the trigger box had been too small and that the trigger had stopped once the gamer was out of the area, so i had solved the problem by expanding the trigger box.

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