Wednesday 11 May 2011

Creative Industries Level 5:Video Games Can Hurt People As Well

Former U.S. Navy fighter pilot is suing SOny, Bethesda and Zenimax after suffering a seizure and broken shoulder after playing Oblivion, here is the article taken from Kotaku, known games site:

A former U.S. Navy F-18 fighter pilot is suing Sony, Bethesda and Zenimax claiming that the Playstation 3 version of Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV gave him a grand mal seizure, breaking his shoulder and permanently grounding him.

In the suit, John Ryan McLaughlin says that on March 28, 2010 he was playing the game on the PS3 when he experienced a grand mal seizure, the first in his life. The seizure was so severe he broke a bone in his shoulder, and injured his ribs, according to the suit. He was later diagnosed with a seizure disorder, something he blames directly on the game

McLaughlin also claims that the seizures resulted in the United States Navy taking away his flight privileges as an F-18 pilot.

Reached Wednesday, Bethesda declined to comment about the litigation.

Link to article:

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