Thursday 2 June 2011

Negotiated Study Week11:Last Minute Touches

I didn't want to focus too much on sounds for my character but wanted to mainly have sounds to set the mood and also wanted to involve some sort of background music specifically dramatic as the gamers character is storylined to be returning to an empty castle. So i found that the main source of sound i would have would be for the water and involve sound that represents their are waves and generally set the light mood. For the general background music i found two pieces of orchestral music which would fit prefectly with the game environment mood that i had been going for but decided on the final sound displayed below which i felt was dramatic enough to set the mood and general notion of the game.

I had left my animations till last as they weren't huge tasks to do and so i was able to get my character into my game environment and get the animations working and reacting after having trouble with baking the animations as the animations themselves hadn't appeared within the Unity assets but all became resolved. The animations of the character had gotten set and the next bit of animations had been the drawbridge which i had the animations connected and working until i had the problem of the drawbridge opening and closing in a weird fashion to which i later realised that it had been because of the mesh collider box which was set as the trigger for the aniamtion to be played and once that had been set right i was able have a respawn point to allow any drop offs from the castle to go back to the beginning of the game environment.

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