Tuesday 17 May 2011

Creative Industries Level 5:Potential U.K Based Companies

Ninja Theory-After playing both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved:Odyssey To The West i found artwork from both games being brilliant and particularly in Enslaved Ninja Theory let you know that, which is why Ninja Theory's level of artwork is a an attraction to companies level of work.

Splash Damage-Looking at Splash damage as another company who's recent game Brink has visuals at the standards in terms of artwork that i would like to work at. Although being in London i would have to relocate closer to them but being a company who are big from the other companies in the U.K they certainly are a potential company to work for and reading this "We're currently expanding our team and are looking for self-motivated and enthusiastic people with a talent and passion for advancing the medium" makes things interesting as i will be able to work for a company who focus on artwork as much as the game play itself.

Rockstar Leeds-This company had been mentioned a few times during creative industries classes and so i decided to take a look at what job they had available and found they want an environment artist and although i would have tried and wanted to apply i know that my skills are still developing and wouldn't get the job so knowing what they are looking for i will develop my skills then try to see if there is a job available.

The Bitmap Brothers-With being recently revived to create games for the iPhone and iPad systems i think this company could be a potential one to go after as they stated on their website that "Continually striving for originality, attention to detail and new levels of playability" which i think could suit me in terms of wanting to do original stuff and create art that people haven't seen. But also with the company being resurrected only last year and working for iPad and iPhone systems there could be job vacancies available but after checking their were none and so because they create games for the two systems meaning they can start new projects allowing a more coverage of game art.

Gamerholix-Looking at a much closer to myself, games companies i found Gamerholix a company which is still functional and has developed games across all consoles and the iPad and iPhones. Gamerholix is a close based company which has created 200 games over all platformas with serious and not so serious games but showcases that they are company which contributes to the gaming industry with their educational twist from their games.

Another Leeds based company is The Code Monkeys but from their website i didn't get much information but they have worked on iPhone and iPad games and that to me is ok as a job opportunity for concept at as these type of games can produced multiple times with various ideas.

Atomhawk Design is a compay focused on the development of concept art and various games have used their artwork to create games and looking through their artwork on their site they are very impressive and residing in the U.K is a plus.

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