This week we have been asked to blog on a movie or tv show which has significant shot types being used so i have gone with the recent movie i have watched starring former professional wrestler 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, called Damage, directed by Jeff King and production began on October 17, 2008 which released on october 05, 2009 in the UK but will be released on January 28, 2010 and i have chosen to do a 1min analsysis as this scene uses alot of shot movements:
I start the 1min analysis on the 1hour, 3omins and 15 seconds mark and the scene starts with a high shot looking down upon three men, two fighters on each side with the referee in the middle and as the scene continues the camera moves to a over the head of the crowd to a mid shot of the main characters, camera returns to a high shot once again as the fight starts, camera goes to an over the shoulder shot looking at the reactions of the supporting actors/actresses from across the view, camera moves through teh crowd to another over the shoulder shot with a high angle shot looking down upon the fight, returning back towards the supporting characters with a mid shot, again a high shot is used to cover the movemant of the fighters with their surroundings being used as a frame for them to fight within, camera is moved to behing the lead actor to show a over the shoulder shot looking at the opposition fighter, we have a mid shot angle of the lead actor, which moves to a high, over the shoulder shot of the lead actor, then we have a view between the crowds of a close shot of the opposition fighter, which moves to a over the shoulder shot of the oppositon fighter looking at the lead actor, then the camera moves to a extreme close up of the feet of the lead actor showing the cage they are fighting upong going down due to the weight, returning to a over the shoulder shot of the opposition fighter as he kicks the lead actor in the face, then the view between the crowds is used with another over the shoulder shot of the lead actor, which moves to a high shot of the main two fighters, the the camera moves from a over the shoulder shot of the lead actor to a over the shoulder shot of the opposition fighter, then we have a medium shot of the crowd, which moves to a between the crowds view of a medium full shot of the fighters, which then moves to a medium over the shoulder shot of the opposition fighter, then a high shot of the crowd, which moves to a medium shot of the crowd, then we have a medium shot of the opposition fighter, returning to a high shot of the crowd, close up of the lead actor, then another over the shoulder shot of the lead actor, to a medium shot of the two fighters, a high shot fo the two fighters, then the over the shoulder shot type is used many times in the next couple of second as effects of the punches are being shown, which then moves to a long shot.
That was my analysis of the 1minute scene i had watched of Damage and had seen that the over the shoulder shot was used many times during this 1minute process as this shot helps the viewers see the effects of the fight scene between the fighters as well as a few high shots were used to show the surrounidings of the scene and shows what the actors have to work with and how much movcement is used in the scene, there had also been a couple of mid shots as the main movement of the actors was within the arms and there had been a close up of the lead actor as the effect of the fight is shown through the close up shot.