Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Creative Industries Week 1:RSS Feeds Good or Bad

I believe that RSS Feeds to me are bad the reason is that it's purpose is to save time from going to each individual website by bringing that information to me, but by rarely using RSS Feeds i quickly learned that not only is there information from the sites you would normally view individually but extra info or junk comes with it.

If i was using this technology in the industries where it may be needed i see that unless you are researching into how much junk people wouldn't read then the RSS Feeds wouldn't help at all as they would waste that persons time by luring them into information they wouldn't need. It hasn't helped in my practice as when i do go to use it i get bored and miss that exploring through the different websites and how they're set up, for example a flash site is interactive as you explore through the site.


  1. Well, there is no arguing with your point of view but I am not convinced that you are using a superior method to find new information abdout technology and trends. Can you tell me where you like to go to find new ideas?

  2. To find new ideas i would go to websites that stand out a nd keep me attracte to it and websites which shows new technology through its website using that technology to enhance their website.
